It was wild. It was open. It was,
flat! Oh wait, there is a wide spot in the road ahead. Yep, we have landed the stage at Fargo, in the Dakota territory. Although
not officially a town in a not officially a state, it does boast the best newspaper around. Joseph ‘Papa’ Levine
owns and runs it with the help of Mary Jane, his granddaughter. He is getting up in age so he advertises in the big paper
of Minneapolis.
Wearing a full
suit, with a gold watch, Jonathan arrives in the pressroom. Papa, as everyone calls him, is impressed with his looks, but
what does he know of running a paper? Watch the three of these folks put out papers in record times. Jonathan does know his
stuff, but he has a secret.
Papa allows
no ads for alcohol! That is a strong stand and has seen him kicked out of more than one town. How well does it fare in the
wilds of the Dakota Territory? Not far out of town is Lone Wolf, a tribal leader. Does this ban on alcohol bother him?
Janet Elaine
Smith has done it again. Dakota Printer describes the life and times of a family, a town, a time in our history, as no one
has ever done. This is a romantic western, but with the friendliest Indians you’ll ever meet. Finally someone has put
the American Indian in a favorable light. This is such a refreshing change. There is religion in this book. There has to be
because this country was founded on faith and it took a lot of that to survive the wide open plains of the American West.
Come, join
me and follow along as Eric, the head of the First Church of Fargo, Beaula, the town gossip, Violet, the school marm, and
the family and friends of Papa Levine take Fargo from a wide spot on the stagecoach line, to Fargo, a town on the map of the
Dakota Territory. This is a western, so sit down by the campfire with a mess of buffalo wings, a pot of coffee and revel in
the life and times of Dakota Printer.